CrossTrails Homeschool: Nature Hike at Big Bone Lick 09/16/12

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Nature Hike at Big Bone Lick 09/16/12

We wanted to learn about some of the edible plants in our area, so we headed over to the closest park to see what all we could find. We have been reading about Sassafras, cattails, arrow root and more. There are a LOT of edible plants in our area that we walk by every day and never even notice. Some of these plants we usually weed out of our yards or mow over them.

We found cattails at the pond there at Big Bone Lick, but none of the others on our list. The girls really enjoyed the hike; Joslyn stopped and threw her fit at the same time as our last time hiking there. Then she got back into it and hiked again.

The girls were really getting into the edible natural things and Cecille caught a cricket on the trail. She asked if they were edible, and we explained how people eat them around the world, but not many people here in America eat bugs. (not that we know of anyways, lol) 

They knew Jason had ate a cicada a long time ago and kept daring each other to eat it and chickening out. Finally Allix threw it in her mouth and started chewing, she's not one to turn down a dare. She chewed it up and swallowed it down. She said it was "very sour" and she didn't care for the taste.

Cecille, not to be outdone, later caught a small grasshopper and ate it! She said it tasted "like grass" but not that bad. We asked her if she thought a butterfly would taste "like butter"? (Our children know to ask before eating something new in the wild.)

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